Global constitutionalism
Reconstructing international law for environmental justice Given the internationalisation of problems, the interdependence of states, the introduction of new actors beyond states themselves and the relativisation of sovereignty, a new institutional …

Refocusing resistance for climate justice. COPing in, COPing out and beyond Paris
EJOLT Report 23: Refocusing resistance for climate justice. COPing in, COPing out and beyond Paris The full report can be downloaded here. Abstract The climate and environmental justice debates are heating up ahead …
The Steady-State Economy
‘An economy with constant stocks of people and artefacts, maintained at some desired, sufficient levels by low rates of maintenance ‘throughput’, that is, by the lowest feasible flows of matter …
Pigou tax
The Pigou tax (also called Pigouvian tax) is a tax that has been proposed to be applied to market participants that generate costs for others (e.g. other market participants) through …
Human Development Index (HDI)
The Human Development Index (HDI) is an indicator system which was developed to shift the focus of development economics from national income accounting to people centered policies. Its purpose is …
Biopiracy is a situation in which indigenous knowledge of nature, originating with indigenous peoples, is used by others for profit, without permission from and with little or no compensation or recognition …
Governing the commons
In economic literature the term commons (resources used by many individuals in common in an agreed way) was used for decades in a context of Tragedy of the Commons. In …
Commons are resources used by many individuals in a commonly agreed way. In general the concept covers different issues such as natural resources (e.g. the air) or intellectual resources (e.g. …
Cap and trade systems
A cap and trade system is a policy instrument developed in order to put a limit on resource use and enhance the redistribution of equal shares of resources through the …
Natural Resource Management
Accelerated consumption and production might significantly undermine an ecosystem’s ability to generate functions and services, resulting in intensified overuse of natural resources and increased pollution. In this context, the management …