‘Depopulation’ refers to a process in which the population density of an area decreases steadily over time. Increased human population is certainly a threat to environmental sustainability, but local phenomena …
Travel-cost method
The travel-cost method (TCM) is used for calculating economic values of environmental goods. Unlike the contingent valuation method, TCM can only estimate use value of an environmental good or service. …

The CDM Cannot Deliver the Money to Africa. Why the carbon trading gamble won’t save the planet from climate change, and how African civil society is resisting
Ejolt report 2: The CDM Cannot Deliver the Money to Africa. Why the carbon trading gamble won’t save the planet from climate change, and how African civil society is resisting. The …

The CDM in Africa Cannot Deliver the Money
18 April 2012 – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: The CDM in Africa Cannot Deliver the Money Learn why the carbon trading gamble and ‘Clean Development Mechanism’ won’t save the planet from climate change …
Giuseppe De Marzo: “Anatomy of a revolution” 2
In this second podcast on his book “anatomy of a revolution”, Guiseppe explains the difference between the kind of democracy we now have and a deliberative democracy, “a process of …
Giuseppe De Marzo: “Anatomy of a revolution” 1
“We face the most serious crisis in human history. Never before did these 6 different forms of crisis come together: environment, energy, economy, food, migration and financial.” Giuseppe thinks the …
Contingent valuation
Introduction and definition The contingent valuation method (CVM) is a widely used method for estimating economic values for all kinds of ecosystem services and environmental goods which are not traded in …
Policy instruments for sustainable tourism
Policy instruments for more sustainable tourism management are not different in essence from instruments in other fields of environmental public policy. They can be classified into economic (or market-based), regulatory …
Maslow’s pyramid The notion of needs was initially developed in the field of psychology by Abraham Maslow to explain individual motivation process (Maslow, 1943). His ‘hierarchy of human needs’ consisted of …