
Global Atlas of environmental conflicts launched in Brussels
[BRUSSELS, 19 March 2014] The Environmental Justice Organisations, Liabilities and Trade (EJOLT) project launches today its Global Atlas of Environmental Justice, a visually attractive and interactive online mapping platform detailing …

Living beyond our means: Europe must fit within the planetary boundaries and stop land grabbing
For the past few years, investors have been scrambling to take control of farmland in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe. EU- and US- based companies and financial institutions …

Socio-environmental valuation and liabilities. What strategies for environmental justice organisations?
Ejolt report 13: Socio-environmental valuation and liabilities. What strategies for environmental justice organisations? The report can be downloaded here. Abstract This EJOLT report focuses on two central issues: the use of evaluation methods and the …

The many faces of land grabbing. Cases from Africa and Latin America
Ejolt report 10: The many faces of land grabbing. Cases from Africa and Latin America. The report can be downloaded here. Abstract The two big global crises that erupted in 2008 – the world …
The god of the mountain and Godavarman: Net Present Value, indigenous territorial rights and sacredness in a bauxite mining conflict in India
By Leah Temper and Joan Martinez-Alier Abstract: This article provides an environmental and institutional history of the highly politicized and contested process of setting a Net Present Value (NPV) for forests …

Between activism and science: grassroots concepts for sustainability coined by Environmental Justice Organizations
By Joan Martinez-Alier et al. Abstract In their own battles and strategy meetings since the early 1980s, EJOs (environmental justice organizations) and their networks have introduced several concepts to political ecology …

The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity: Recent instances for debate
By Beatriz Rodríguez‐Labajos and Joan Martinez-Alier Abstract After 1992 many conservation biologists thought that the use of economic instruments would be more effective to halt biodiversity loss than policies based on setting …

The SpOILed Industry. Environmental Justice strategies in the world of oil.
Chevron in Ecuador and Shell in Nigeria: Transnational Corporations, particularly those in the oil sector, operate around the world and are responsible for some of the most serious environmental damages, but yet they seem …