
Uranium mining in Brazil: The conflict in Caetité, Bahia
The project Since 2000, state-owned Nuclear Industries of Brazil (INB) has been exploring uranium ore in Caetité, a municipality in the semi-arid region of Bahia, Brazil. The only operational mine in …

Tia Maria in Islay, Arequipa (Peru)
Introduction The Tia Maria Project is located in the Islay Province, Arequipa, in southern Peru, within a subtropical and low montane desert ecosystem where there is only one river basin, the …

TES6—New Coal Power Plant Unit in Sostanj
Project TES6 Sostanj, in northern Slovenia, is 30 kilometres (19 miles) from the Austrian border, and home to Termoelektrarna Sostanj (TES)—a lignite-fired power plant—the property of state-owned Holding Slovenske elektrarne (HSE). …

Zinc, lead and silver mega-deposits in San Cristobal (Bolivia)
Introduction San Cristobal is located in south-western Bolivia, in the Colcha “K” Municipality of Nor Lipez, Potosi, with altitudes ranging from 3,800 to 4,000 metres (12,467 to 13,123 feet) above sea …

The radiological impact of uranium extraction by AREVA in northern Niger
The project The companies Societe des Mines de l’air (SOMAÏR) and Compagnie Minière d’Akouta (COMINAK) are mining uranium deposits in northern Niger, in a desert area close to the Air Mountains, …

Popular resistance to the Marlin mine (Guatemala)
Introduction Marlin is an open pit mine in northern Guatemala, in the municipalities of San Miguel de Ixtahuacan and Sipacapa that have a joint population of approximately 70,000. Previously owned by …

Copper mining in Los Pelambres, Los Caimanes (Chile)
Introduction Los Pelambres is an open pit copper mine located in the Andes, 3,600 metres (11,811 feet) above sea level. It is situated close to Los Caimanes community, 45 kilometres (28 …

La Colosa Mining Project in Cajamarca (Colombia)
Introduction Once declared by former Colombian President Alvaro Uribe as being “the greatest gold mine in the world”, the open pit mining project is located in Cajamarca, Tolima in Colombia. It …

Uranium Fairytales from Kremikovci, Bulgaria
Location and site description The Kremikovci region (which includes the villages Seslavci, Buhovo, Kremkovci, and Yana) is located at the base of Stara Planina Mountain in Bulgaria. The uranium mines and …