Project News

EJOLT is making a difference: positive ruling by Supreme Court of India on shipbreaking
Good news from India: the Supreme Court is putting the movement of the US owned hazardous end-of-life vessel named ‘Oriental Nicety’ under its watch. This follows a demand made by …

Follow-up on EJOLT REPORT 1 – shipbreaking
While 4 ejolt reports are in the pipeline for publication in the coming two months, our work does not end with the publication of a report. We gave 15 copies …

EJOLT research unearths radioactive contamination in Namibia
By Bertchen Kohrs and Bruno Chareyron. EARTHLIFE Namibia and CRIIRAD (Commission for Independent Research and Information about Radiation) have organized visits and measurements in areas located in the vicinity of uranium mines …

FIRST EJOLT REPORT: Industrial waste conflicts around the world. Case studies from India and Bulgaria: shipbreaking and incineration.
EJOLT is proud to announce the first in a series of in-depth reports made through a year-long collaboration between activists and scientists from around the world. In this report, we …

NEW BOOK: Ecological Economics from the Ground Up
EJOLT follows from a previous FP7 project called CEECEC and this book is one of the results of that 2 year long effort by 8 CSOs and 6 universities. This …
Stay tuned on struggles for environmental justice
As the EJOLT project gains steam, we are increasing our efforts to keep you up to date on the fight for environmental justice – wherever it is happening. About 200 …

Thyssen-Krup Steel Company tries to silence EJOLT partner with a slapp suit
Researchers from EJOLT partner Fiocruz are being sued for evaluating impacts caused by ThyssenKrupp Atlantic Steel Company in Santa Cruz, Brazil. Please sign this declaration of support, send an email with your …

EJOLT presents documentary to support the struggle of waste pickers
A battle is brewing in Delhi, India over access and control to garbage. For decades, informal wastepickers and recyclers have turned garbage into cash. They cost the government and taxpayer nothing yet …

On a nuclear mission in Namibia
Radiation monitoring experts from France went on a mission to Namibia to work with activists and communities on uranium mining in their area. The objective was to increase the awareness …