Project News

PROGRAM of film event and EJOLT conference
Opportunities for European policy makers towards Environmental Justice2-3 March 2015 – Brussels REGISTER HERE. FILM: “Walls and the Tiger” 2 March 2015, 18:45-21:45 Venue: Argus, KBC Auditorium, Rue du port 2, 1080 …

The concept of “ecological debt” and its value for environmental justice
EJOLT’s latest report is about the value of the ecological debt concept to struggles for environmental justice. “Ecological debt. History, meaning and relevance for environmental justice” can be downloaded here. …

A legal guide for communities seeking environmental justice
How can Environmental Justice Organisations (EJOs), local communities or citizens make justice happen? What are the rules, tools and opportunities to fight back against environmental injustice? The report “A legal …

Unveiling uranium and nuclear power myths
[BRUSSELS 19 November 2014] Two new reports expose the various myths used to hide the real impacts of uranium mining and to push for a nuclear renaissance in Europe. An international …

When to count the damage? Economic tools for evaluating liabilities in environmental justice struggles
[BRUSSELS, 20 October 2014] MEDIA RELEASE. The health and environmental implications of fossil fuel exploitation, nuclear waste or mining-related pollution are some of the more well-known effects of the increasing energy …

Analyzing environmental conflicts in Colombia
An analysis of 72 cases of environmental conflict in Colombia in the EJOLT database has been published by Prof. Mario A. Pérez Rincón of CINARA and Universidad del Valle, Cali. …

Economic Valuation of Nature: the Price to Pay for Conservation?
By Jutta Kill. ‘Nature is destroyed because it’s invisible to politicians and business’, advocates of economic valuation say. The implicit assumption: Create a ‘nature that capital can see’ and the loss …

Environmentalism and anti-colonialism are dangerous activities in a country like Niger
By Nick Meynen. In the shadow of French President Hollande’s West-Africa Tour, dissenting views on extraction and environmental justice were silenced. In Niger, ten members of the Network of organizations for …

Environmental (in)justice and the role of European companies
The NGO Shipbreaking Platform, a global coalition of environmental, human rights and labour rights organisations dedicated to safe, clean and just ship recycling, organised a debate on “Environmental (in)justice and …

Map of most influential environmental justice conflicts in the US
The 40 most influential environmental justice conflicts in recent American history are now included in our Global Atlas of Environmental Justice. The U.S. cases were compiled by the University of …