
The governonsense of climate engineering
At the environmental policy forum “The International Governance of Climate Engineering”, held by The Institute for European Studies in Brussels on June 28, opinions differed on how European policymakers should …

The End of the Age of Coal
On June 29 the world will celebrate the end of the “Age of Coal”. A global day of action will coincide with 350.org’s Global Power Shift Conference in Istanbul. Greenpeace …

A Canadian company, the police in Greece and democracy in the country that invented it
Unprovoked chemical attacks on civilians, 3AM raids on houses and violent police attacks on peacefully demonstrating women. You’re excused for thinking this is Syria or even Peru or Turkey, but …
Turkey’s Tree Revolution – part 2: Everyday I’m chapulling*
*Turkish word now meaning “fighting for your rights” (see wiki). The lack of consultation, the aggressive police intervention and the conversion of public space into private space explain why the occupation …

Turkey’s ‘tree revolution’ – part 1
Environmentalists have been protesting for months against a plan to swap trees for a shopping mall in Gezi Park at Istanbul’s Taksim Square. When riot police chased them away, the …

Unburnable fuels and the myth of shale-gas in Europe
By Nick Meynen. The scene in the film Gasland, where landowner Mike Markham ignites gas mixed with water from a running water tap in his home mobilized more people than …

Tree plantations: conflicts, trends and resistance. Updated report in Bahasa
The work done in EJOLT is recognised by environmental justice organisations in many corners of the world. Recently, the largest Indonesian environmental organisation – WALHI or Friends of the Earth …

Political Declaration on Extractives Assembly from the World Social Forum
The following declaration is the result of the World Social Forum Extractives Assembly. Some EJOLT collaborators joined the discussions and EJOLT supports this declaration: We, organisations assembled here, bear witness to …

BOOK review: Geo-engineering conflicts
By Joan Martinez-Alier. Clive Hamilton, Earthmasters: The Dawn of the Age of Climate Engineering, Yale University Press, 2013, 288pp Many ecological economists know at least one book co-authored in 1997 by Australian …

Choosing between coal or wetlands in Chrissiesmeer
By Franz Fuls. As a developing country, the South African government has identified coal as a primary energy source. It grants permission to extract minerals through mining rights. Xstrata recently sold …