
Langer Heinrich Uranium Mine sold 25% to a Chinese Company
By Bertchen Kochs. The Langer Heinrich Uranium mine (LHU) in the Namib Desert was 100% owned by the Australian company Paladin Energy Ltd. Like other uranium mining companies, Paladin is in …

“Growth below zero”: in memory of Sicco Mansholt
By Joan Martinez-Alier, RESPONDER conference, Brussels, 21 March 2014 In 1971 Sicco Mansholt, a Dutch agrarian unionist and social-democratic politician, who had promoted an expansionist agricultural policy in Europe as commissioner …

International Day of Forests: Defining Forests by their true meaning!
Here’s an open letter from La Via Campesina, Friends of the Earth International, Focus on the Global South and the World Rainforest Movement to the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), …

Nigerian civil society puts out strong warning in relation to Petroleum Bill
By JohnBosco Agbakwuru. Here’s a report from civil society action in Nigeria: “CSOs threaten to move against lawmakers’ re-election over PIB”: A coalition of Civil Society Organisations, CSOs, yesterday, threatened to mobilise …

Victory: no more Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining in Laciana Valley (Spain)
By: Amaranta Herrero. On the 14th of February, the regional government of Castilla y León cancelled the plan for Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining (MRT) in Laciana Valley (Spain). During the last …

Nayarit communities call for support to scrap destructive water management schemes
By Daniela Del Bene. Canal Costa de Oro, also known as “Canal Centenario”, is one of the most ambitious and strategic water management projects of the Government of Nayarit, Mexico. It …

Medha Patkar and India’s environmental justice party
By Joan Martinez-Alier. Since the 1980s, Medha Patkar has been one of the top environmental activists from India, engaging initially with the Narmada Bachao Andolan against dams (movement to save the …

The shipping industry: regulating the freeloaders
By Nick Meynen The unequal ecological exchange and environmental injustice in this hard to regulate global industry are so big and persistent that the industry keeps producing one damning fact after …

Fracking ban expanding in Spanish regions
By Amaranta Herrero Fracking, or hydraulic fracture is a technique to extract shale gas in which rock is fractured by drilling a well and injecting a pressurized toxic liquid made of …

Landgrabbing in Cameroon
By Julien-François Gerber Since 2000, foreign governments and corporations have bought or leased over 56 million hectares in Africa, an area almost the size of Kenya.1 Palm oil is a major …