
A powerful call from Naomi Klein for a global movement for climate justice
By Joan Martinez Alier. Naomi Klein’s new book, This changes everything. Capitalism vs the Climate (Allen Lane, London, 2014), puts climate change at the centre of politics. She makes the connection …

EU plans to cancel environmental policies
By Nick Meynen Translated from the Dutch version. The announcement of the team of president-elect of the European commission Jean-Claude Juncker’s is like a corporate coup and destruction of 25 years of …

Criminal case against “industrial ecocide” in Sonora, Mexico?
By Joan Martinez Alier. When the controversial 1.3 billion dollar Tia Maria copper mining project in Arequipa, Peru seemed to go ahead despite a local referendum and resistance from several villages, …

West Africa: allocating land for food sovereignty or for exports?
By Sonia Goicoechea. While in the West African region about 35 million people remind undernourished (FAO), dangerous investments in the agricultural sector are threating the environment and further undermining the right …

Building an economy on quicksand
By Jakob Villioth. Sand has by now become the most widely consumed natural resource on the planet after fresh water. [1] The annual world consumption of sand is estimated to be …

A treaty to stop corporate crimes and impunity
EJOLT supports a worldwide campaign to stop corporate crimes and impunity. Godwin Ojo from EJOLT partner ERA participated in a recent meeting from the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), …

Can “Natural Capital Accounting” Come of Age in Africa?
By Patrick Bond. In early June, a University of Pretoria conference at the Governance Innovation Centre [2], keynoted by Indian eco-feminist Vandana Shiva, contemplated how to go “beyond GDP.” The current …

Linking Degrowth to Environmental Justice
For “Scharf-links”, a German online newspaper, Dr. Joachim Spangenberg , co-chair of EJOLT’s steering committee, spoke about the activities of EJOLT and the link between Environmental Justice and Degrowth, looking …

A call for solidary with Marco Suástegui
A call for solidarity has arrived from the state of Guerrero, in the South-West of Mexico. One of the leaders of the farmers’ movement Consejo de Ejidos y Comunidades Opositores …

The war against environmentalism
By Joan Martinez Alier. The Hindutva nationalist right-wing prime minister Modi in India is rallying against Environmental Justice Organisations (EJOs) financed by foreign money. High on his list are EJOs from …