
Residents and wastepickers protest against waste-to-energy incinerator in Delhi
As a follow-up on the EJOLT video ‘Waste wars’ (visible on our front page and here), we publish a press statement from the Ghazipur Anti-Incinerator Committee, issued the 24th of …

The Kayelekera uranium mine: yet another example of the resource curse?
J.G. reports from Malawi. Essay written for the CEECEC course. Kayelekera is an area in the northern part of Malawi in a district called Karonga. Upon the discovery of uranium in …

Nuclear energy in India: explosion of protests
The conflict around the restart of a nuclear power plant in Tamil Nadu – which we introduced on our website on 29 February – has reached boiling point on Friday …

Ecuador: The long march for environmental justice
Today, a long march for environmental justice is coming to an end. On March 8, hundreds of people started walking towards the Ecuadorian capital Quito and by the time they …

Canada paying Latin press to hide the reality of mining in Latin America
By Miningwatch, Canada. In March 2012, Canadian taxpayers will pay eleven journalists from eight Latin American countries to attend the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada’s 2012 conference (PDAC), including …

China’s Ecuador Embassy occupied in opposition to mining contract
In the morning of March 5th 2012, a group of women from various Ecuadorean organizations and social groups occupied for a few hours the Chinese Embassy in Quito, to reject …

11 PhD scholarships in Political Ecology
The European Network for Political Ecology (ENTITLE) offers 11 generously-funded three-year PhD scholarships available to candidates from all over the world. ENTITLE is an EU-funded Initial Training Network whose aim …

Stop that train! Ideological Conflict and the TAV
These are days of great tension and mobilization in the Susa valley where for two decades citizens are strongly engaged in the defense of their territory against the High Speed …

Resistance in Kudankulam (Tamil Nadu) against nuclear energy
In late February 2012, exasperated by the successful resistance against the first of two ready-to-go 1000 MW Russian built nuclear power stations in Kudankulam, the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh …

Norway’s pensions are fuelled by Shell’s Nigerian nightmare
A campaign from an eminent group of scientists and professionals focusing on Shell’s horrendous track record in Nigeria is pleading with the Norwegian Government Pension Fund to disinvest in the …