
Madagascar: Local protests against Rio Tinto
By Vahinala Douguet1 When protestors kept 200 workers from Rio Tinto hostage in their own mining site, including the boss of Rio Tinto in Madagascar, a mining conflict reached its boiling …

Local referendums on mining: the Kañaris in Peru
By Joan Martinez-Alier. Latin America has turned to local referendums in mining conflicts. The precursors include Tambogrande in northern Peru, and Esquel in Patagonia in Argentina a little over ten …

Carbon markets: the sound of air escaping
By Nick Meynen. Carbon markets do not reduce greenhouse gas emissions, have worked as a subsidy system for polluters, increase social and environmental conflicts, are a playground for fraudulent networks and …

Ejolt partner Accion Ecologica wins Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen Prize
By: Vaaruni Eashwar (TERI)/New Delhi, India, December 2012 Indian think tank The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) recently announced the winners of the first-ever Georgescu-Roegen Awards for ‘Unconventional Thinking’ and ‘Bioeconomic …

GMO potato fight sparks hot debate in Belgium
By Nick Meynen. On May 29, 2011, some 400 mothers with children, biological farmers, environmentalists and scientists gathered around a GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) potato field. In a symbolic and announced public …

Idle no More! Tar Sands no More! Harper no More!
by Leah Temper. The Harper government almost got away with it… The Conservative government in Canada, in power since 2006, has done everything to clear the way for further development of the …
STEFANIA BARCA: The Environment and the Working Class
“Environmentalism is a luxury hobby for affluent people with jobs”. That’s a pretty common statement you’ll find in North and South alike. Too often, the struggle for environmental justice has …

Geoengineering conflicts: the ETC map
Joan Martinez-Alier. When we wrote the EJOLT project three years ago, we selected a wide range of environmental justice conflicts: from extraction to waste and from nuclear to biomass. But we …

Celebration of struggle starts in Kudankulam this New Year
For millions of people, 2012 was one big struggle for environmental justice. We have reported on many tragedies, successes and ongoing struggles. With an average of ten articles a month, …

The ban on iron mining in Goa
On 5th October 2012, iron mining was banned by the Supreme Court of India in the little state of Goa. The former Portuguese colony is divided into a prosperous coastal …