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Book Review: Ecological Economics from the Ground Up

Helen Scharber, School of Critical Social Inquiry, Hampshire College, USA As its title intimates, Ecological Economics from the Ground Up starts with case studies of environmental justice activist struggles, mostly from …

Todd Stern, why don’t you acknowledge the ecological debt?

By Joan Martinez-Alier. In one of the last days of the COP21 in Paris in December 2015, where the pressure in the streets from the environmental justice movement was lacking, the …

Is Greece Greening?

By George Tsolakis (Ecocity). Greece just experienced the most quiet pre-elections period in my living memory. No big crowd gatherings in streets and squares, no shouting’s, no flags waving, no …

The comptroller Sandra Morelli

By Joan Martinez Alier. The Colombian attorney Sandra Morelli, a woman with a strong personality, is a member of the Colombian establishment. Since September 2014, she doesn’t know whether she’s living a …

Sengwers Feeling the Heat in The Embobut Forest

By Dean Puckett. When Jim Yong Kim, president of the World Bank, visited Kenya earlier this month, he reportedly urged the Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta to sort out Kenya’s historical land …

We need a more just world to prevent catastrophic climate change

By Maruška Mileta (Young Friends of the Earth Europe), contributions by the Global Campaign to Demand Climate Justice. A four day gathering of civil society and social movements (Social Pre-COP) on …

“No resistance can win without an alternative vision.” Ashish Kothari on India’s activist agenda

By Daniela del Bene. Next in our series of interviews is Ashish Kothari, co-founder and member of Kalpavriksh, catalyst of the network Vikalp Sangam, and co-author with Aseem Srivastava of the …

India’s National Alliance of People’s Movement: 20 years of struggle

By Daniela del Bene. From 31st October to the 2nd of November, nearly 1000 delegates of 250 plus social movements and community organisations from 17 States of India gathered in Pune, …

Julio Prieto on the epic battle between Ecuador & Chevron

By Nick Meynen. ‘We’re in front of the International Criminal Court now! We’re just about to get in. I’ll let you know when it’s done’. He hung up, went in …

European Citizen Summit: a different vision for Europe

The European Union (EU) should leave behind its economic growth obsession and focus instead on more transparent and sustainable policies, according to hundreds of people gathered at the flagship European …