
The Italian atlas of environmental conflicts
The CDCA-Documentation Centre on Environmental Conflicts in partnership with the association A Sud presents: THE ITALIAN ATLAS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONLICTS Friday 13th March 2015 | 5.30 pm c/o Fandango Bookshop | Via …

Opportunities for European policy makers towards Environmental Justice
REGISTRATION is now OPEN for the final events of the EJOLT project on 2 and 3 March: a PUBLIC HEARING in the European Parliament, a CONFERENCE in the European Economic …

Ecological debt and Ecological Unequal Exchange: report from an activist – academics debate
By Nick Meynen Some 40 to 50 scientists and activists specialised in ecological debt (ED) and ecological unequal exchange (EUE) gathered on 27 and 28 March in Lund, Sweden. The workshop …
Access to Justice and Extractive Industries
UPDATE – full video of the event on youtube. On March 13, a panel of international legal and industry experts discuss the fraught world of environmental justice, human rights, minerals and …

Environmental justice in the EU and beyond
Save the date for an environmental justice conference & debate in Brussels where EJOLT will launch the Atlas of Environmental Justice, on 19 March. CLICK HERE to make your registration As global …

Summer course on socially sustainable degrowth (Barcelona, Spain)
Adapting to the times of crisis: an advanced course on socially sustainable degrowth Amidst calls for restoring growth as a path out of the crisis, the intellectual and political …

EJOLT workshop on Ecologically Unequal Exchange and Ecological Debt
The Human Ecology Division from Lund University, Sweden, invites you all to this 2-day workshop on March 27-28, 2014. If you want to participate – please let Alf Hornborg know: …

EJOLT unites leading legal experts and Environmental Justice activists in Rome
By Lucie Greyl Marking an important mid-term milestone, the EJOLT project has chosen Italy, an emblematic country for its environmental conflicts known worldwide, as the next location of the annual meeting. …

EJOLT field trip to Bulgaria mine
From 6 to 11 June, EJOLT partner Za Zemiata guided the ‘EJOLT-nuclear-team’ through the dirt left behind by the nuclear industry in Bulgaria. Literally. We visited an old uranium mine site where …