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The environmental justice resource library serves you with a broad variety of tools and practical information how to make use of the content and cases of the EJOLT project and beyond.

  • Fact sheets enable you to get quick a overview on the EJOLT cases.
  • Our glossary explains main environmental justice concepts in plain language.
  • You can find resources by theme or by kind of resource.
  • Put keywords in the search engine to find the information you need

The training activities we encompass include both conceptual development (data, facts, theories – “what”) and procedural knowledge (methods, new skills – “how to”) of the specific cases.

The policy recommendations abstract a bit more from the single cases and concentrate on how to possibly approach problems in similar contexts. The recommendations explore ‘Why something needs to be done’ ‘What should be done’, ‘Who could do it and what should they do’. Additionally it considers possible obstacles.

Last but not least we are running an online course on ecological economics and environmental justice on a non-profit basis.

It consists of 16 lectures, with an end of course assignment and successful participants receive a certificate of completion.  For more information contact Hali Healy: hhealyatceecec(at)gmail(dot)com


The EJOLT project (2011-15) has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 266642. The views and opinions expressed in the website and in all EJOLT publications and documentaries including the Atlas reflect the authors’ view and the European Union is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.