The CCS (Centre for Civil Society) from Durban, South Africa, occupies a central position in current debates on Climate Justice and “carbon trading”, with the Durban declaration on Climate Justice that has been signed by many organisations. It is also active in urban environmental justice conflicts. Nested in a university (UKZN), CCS is an EJO due to their expertise in advocacy and public outreach. The Centre for Civil Society’s primary objective is to advance socio-economic and environmental justice by developing critical knowledge about, for and in dialogue with civil society through teaching, research and publishing. Combining political economy and political ecology, CCS will contribute to the project through its continent-wide work on resource extraction and ongoing critical monitoring of Clean Development Mechanism projects and other aspects of climate change, carbon trading and mitigation/adaptation strategies. The CCS leads Work Package 4, on oil and gas extraction, and also on climate justice, drawing on its expertise on CDM projects, and its contacts in Africa and elsewhere on fossil fuels extraction conflicts.
Patrick Bond. Political economist at the University of KwaZulu-Natal School of Development Studies in Durban, where since 2004 he has directed the Centre for Civil Society. His research and political work presently covers environment (energy, water and climate change), economic crisis, social mobilization, public policy and geopolitics. Amongst his authored, edited and coedited books are: Climate Change, Carbon Trading and Civil Society (2009); Looting Africa (2006); Against Global Apartheid (2003); Unsustainable South Africa (2002) and Cities of Gold, Townships of Coal (2000). He has lectured at more than 70 universities across the world, with formal teaching affiliations in the US, Canada, Zimbabwe, Hungary, Korea, Japan and South Africa.
Khadija Sharife is a journalist, visiting scholar at the Center for Civil Society (CCS) based in South Africa, and contributor to the Tax Justice Network.