Resources Resources

Refocusing resistance for climate justice. COPing in, COPing out and beyond Paris
EJOLT Report 23: Refocusing resistance for climate justice. COPing in, COPing out and beyond Paris The full report can be downloaded here. Abstract The climate and environmental justice debates are heating up ahead …

Digging deep Corporate Liability. Environmental Justice strategies in the world of oil.
Ejolt report 9: Digging deep corporate liability. Environmental Justice strategies in the world of oil. The low resolution report can be downloaded here. The high resolution report can be downloaded here. Abstract The impacts provoked by the expanding …

Towards a Post-Oil Civilization. Yasunization and other initiatives to leave fossil fuels in the soil
Ejolt report 6: Towards a Post-Oil Civilization. Yasunization and other initiatives to leave fossil fuels in the soil The low resolution report can be downloaded here. The high resolution report can be downloaded here. Abstract This Report …

The CDM Cannot Deliver the Money to Africa. Why the carbon trading gamble won’t save the planet from climate change, and how African civil society is resisting
Ejolt report 2: The CDM Cannot Deliver the Money to Africa. Why the carbon trading gamble won’t save the planet from climate change, and how African civil society is resisting. The …

Climate change responsibilities in polar peoples: the Inuit Case
1. Factual background Climate change is already occurring in the Arctic and could be devastating for the Inuit. In fact, its effects are already noticeable. Anumber of life-altering changes have taken …

The Texaco-Chevron Case in Ecuador
1. Factual background Texaco-Gulf operated in Ecuador for almost thirty years, between 1964 and 1992, in the Ecuadorian Amazon region. The Ecuadorian state’s original concession to the Texaco-Gulf consortium included 1,500,000 …

The Shell Case in Nigeria
1. Factual background The land tenure and access to resources have always been the source of numerous conflicts, often violent, in the Niger Delta. The colonial administration did not alter the traditional …

Expansion of commodity frontiers in Québec: fracking on Anticosti Island
Background Anticosti Island (49°30′N 63°00′W), nicknamed the ‘Pearl of the St. Lawrence’ is located in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and is approximately 225 km in length, and 56km at its …

Shale gas exploration in the Parana basin, Brazil
Introduction Shale gas is methane (natural gas) that is trapped underground in impermeable shale rock. For this reason, shale gas does not flow through the rock like conventional natural gas, so …

The Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Project in British Columbia, Canada
Introduction & Background The Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion is a project that would establish a new pipeline, twinning an existing pipeline from Edmonton, Alberta to Burnaby, British Columbia. This …

The Papua New Guinean Liquefied Natural Gas Project
Introduction In 2010, Exxon-Mobil’s subsidiary Esso Highlands started the construction of the PNG LNG (Papua New Guinea Liquefied Natural Gas), a USD $19 billion project to produce 6.9 million tonnes (t) …

Digging for dirty oil. Reviewing corporate oil liabilities and EJO legal strategies for environmental justice.
In 2012, an average of 89 million barrels of oil were consumed every day, 30 percent more than in 1992, producing 14.11 billion tonnes of carbon emissions. With the progressive decline …

Unburnable Fuel. High time for a new European policy approach to tackle climate change
Exploring and exploiting new sources of fossil fuels will propel CO2 emissions above 550 ppm. It is an irresponsible waste of money, and policy is called upon to stop this …

Corridors of Resistance: Stopping oil and gas pipelines
The Unist’ot’en camp in North-Western British Colombia, Canada, is front and centre in a global battle for climate and energy justice.Since 2011 they have been maintaining a check-point controlling access …

Watch an EJOLT movie on the Sarayaku v. Ecuador
Arturo Hortas has made a new documentary for EJOLT. The documentary is on the case Sarayaku v. Ecuador. As we reported earlier, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) ruled in favor of …

Watch an EJOLT movie on Yasuni, good living
Yasuni, good living is a video documentary made by Arturo Hortas for EJOLT. This film shows through different lenses the origins and development of the idea of “leaving oil in the soil” (850 …

Watch a GAIA-EJOLT video on Waste Wars in Delhi
Delhi Waste Wars is a short video documentary directed by Leah Temper and edited by Siobhan McKeown. A battle is brewing in Delhi, India over access and control to garbage. For decades, informal …
Godwin Ojo on “keep oil in the soil”
Godwin Ojo (Nigeria) will guide you from the slogan “keep oil in the soil” to the alternatives proposed and the ways to achieve a post-oil economy. Debates on biomass and …
Nnimmo Bassey on green economy (2)
Nnimmo Bassey (Nigeria) will guide you through the seductive ‘green economy’ and explain how the way it is currently promoted by UN agencies such as UNEP is rather giving a …
Press Releases

The SpOILed Industry. Environmental Justice strategies in the world of oil.
Chevron in Ecuador and Shell in Nigeria: Transnational Corporations, particularly those in the oil sector, operate around the world and are responsible for some of the most serious environmental damages, but yet they seem …

Unburnable fuels. How to keep the oil in the soil
Today, a global coalition of economists and activists release a 200p report on a variety of initiatives to leave “unburnable” fuels in the soil. The EU funded EJOLT network studied …

The CDM in Africa Cannot Deliver the Money
18 April 2012 – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: The CDM in Africa Cannot Deliver the Money Learn why the carbon trading gamble and ‘Clean Development Mechanism’ won’t save the planet from climate change …
Scientific Papers

Climate change, ecosystem services, and costs of action and inaction: scoping the interface
By Beatriz Rodríguez‐Labajos Abstract Cost calculations related to climate change have accrued much intellectual effort. However, few works approach the assessment from the point of view of the effects of climate variability and change in ecosystem …
- Article from Khadija Sharife
Who should pay for Climate Damage? - Enforcing climate justice by law
Enforcing climate change law by a group of lawyers working all over the world - ERA Action
Friends of the Earth Nigeria - Oilwatch
International network acting as watchdog for the oil industry - SOS Yasuni
A website dedicated to implementing the pioneering idea to keep the oil in the soil under the Yasuni ITT block - Texaco Toxico
Spanish site on the legacy of texaco (now Chevron) in Ecuador
Latest from the Blog
Chevron’s atrocities mapped
By Nick Meynen. Saturday 21 May is the 3rd international day of action against Chevron. At this occasion, a new map with 30 conflicts between Chevron and different communities all over …
The El Niño message: break free from fossil fuels
By Nick Meynen. El Niño translates to ‘the boy‘ and in his case, the child is unwanted. El Niño is a periodic climate phenomenon that occurs when a vast pool of …