Resources Resources

Patterns of global biomass trade
EJOLT Report 20: Patterns of global biomass trade The report can be downloaded here Abstract In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, global trade in agricultural products grew more than three times …

The many faces of land grabbing. Cases from Africa and Latin America
Ejolt report 10: The many faces of land grabbing. Cases from Africa and Latin America. The report can be downloaded here. Abstract The two big global crises that erupted in 2008 – the world …

An overview of industrial tree plantations in the global South. Conflicts, trends and resistance struggles
Ejolt Report 3: An overview of industrial tree plantations in the global South. Conflicts, trends and resistance struggles ENGLISH EJOLT Report 3 (Low resolution) for online viewing. ENGLISH EJOLT Report 3 (High resolution) for printing. SPANISH EJOLT Report 3 …

Forced Displacements in Colombia: the case of Chocó
1. Introduction The armed conflict that has been ravaging Colombia for decades has caused millions of victims, among whom are people who have been tortured, murdered, disappeared, exiled or internally displaced. …

Garifuna resistance in Vallecito: land grabbing for palm oil plantations and drug trade
Introduction Vallecito is a small village located on the northeastern coast of Honduras, within the Limón municipality, in the department of Colón (Figure 1). Honduras’ Caribbean coasts are home to the …

The Eucalyptus monoculture in São Luiz do Paraitinga, São Paulo, Brazil
Introduction São Luiz do Paraitinga (Figure 1) is a city located in the Valley of Paraíba in the São Paulo area. The municipality covers an area of 617 km² (Oliveira, 2011) …

Pigneto Lake, Rome
Introduction Pigneto lake (Figure 1) is the only natural lake in Rome, Italy. It lies in the district of Pigneto and is formed from mineral water sources (acqua bullicante). Pigneto is …

Land and resource use conflicts on the Island of Karimunjawa, Indonesia
Introduction and Location The Karimunjawa National Park (KNP), situated 80 km off central Java’s northern coast, is made up of 27 islands. It was the first marine park established in Indonesia …

Corn cultivation for biogas in Brandenburg, Germany
Introduction The Chorin Schorfheide biosphere reserve lies in the federal state of Brandenburg, in the Barnim district, around 45 minutes from the German capital Berlin (Figure 1). This reserve, founded in …

Bui Hydroelectric Power dam Project in Ghana
Introduction The Bui hydroelectric dam is located on the borders of the Northern and Brong-Ahafo Region of Ghana. The Bui Dam is a 400 megawatt hydroelectric project under construction at the …

Deforestation, inter-ethnic conflicts and violence in Gleba Nova Olinda, Pará, Brazil,
Introduction The Gleba Nova Olinda covers a total area of about 87,000 hectares (ha) and is located in the municipality of Santarém, Pará state, Brazil. It is composed of state public …

Living beyond our means: Europe must fit within the planetary boundaries and stop land grabbing
For the past few years, investors have been scrambling to take control of farmland in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe. EU- and US- based companies and financial institutions …
EJOLT policy briefing on Tree Plantations
From 15 million hectares around 1990 to 60+ million hectares in 2010. The explosion of industrial tree plantations (ITPs) in the South is vast and goes much faster than in the North. Cheap land and …

Watch a GAIA-EJOLT video on Waste Wars in Delhi
Delhi Waste Wars is a short video documentary directed by Leah Temper and edited by Siobhan McKeown. A battle is brewing in Delhi, India over access and control to garbage. For decades, informal …

Watch an ASO-EJOLT Video on landgrabbing in Gambela
Grabbing Gambela is a short video documentary about a massive takeover of agricultural lands in the Gambela Region of Ethiopia. Since 2008, the Ethiopian government has signed deals with investors …
VIDEOs made by partners in EJOLT
Our 23 EJOLT partners produce a variety of video’s. We collect them in our vimeo account. Here are a few of them: This is a 12 minute video on unequal paper …
Devlin Kuyek on the ProSavana project2
Imagine a land of 14 million hectares, bigger than Switzerland and Austria combined. Populated by millions of farming families that together practice shifting cultivation. Now imagine a foreign consultant saying …
Devlin Kuyek on the ProSavana project1
Imagine a land of 14 million hectares, bigger than Switzerland and Austria combined. Populated by millions of farming families that together practice shifting cultivation. Now imagine a foreign consultant saying …
Silas Siakor: landgrabbing in Liberia 2
In this second podcast with Silas Siakor we dig further in the dirty deals of landgrabbing in Liberia. Women have been put out of jobs and the jobs that the …
Silas Siakor: landgrabbing in Liberia
In this podcast we dig into one of the poorest countries in the world: Liberia. Huge landgrabs are taking place above the heads of people that own and farm the …
Scientific Papers
An EJOLT poster on Industrial Tree Plantation Conflicts
This poster was used in the PERL conference ‘Beyond Consumption. Pathways to responsible living’ (19-20 March 2012, Berlin). Click for more detail.
- African Environmental Justice films
A catalogue of online films on social and environmental justice issues in Africa - All the news on grabbing of farmland
Governments and corporations are buying up farmland in other countries to grow their own food or simply to make money - Oakland Institute – Land Rights
The purchase and lease of vast tracts of land from poor, developing countries by wealthier nations and international private investors has led to debate about whether land investment is a tool for development or force of displacement.
Latest from the Blog
‘Never seen it so bad’: violence and impunity in Brazil’s Amazon
Dr Felipe Milanez, the author of “Memorias Sertanistas”, was awarded a doctorate by the University of Coimbra in 2015 and is now a professor at UFRB in Bahia, Brazil. He …
Mapping hydro schizophrenia and people’s resistance in the Indian Himalaya
By Daniela Del Bene. Do you remember the dramatic floods in the Western Indian Himalayas back in 2012? We blogged about the Uttarakhand disaster and about the thousands of victims, while …