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Project News

New scientific insights on ecologically unequal trade
By Nick Meynen. A new light is shining on the old problem of a global economic system that creates regional environmental imbalances. Ecological economists identified and analysed the asymmetric flows of …

Degrowth and the Global Movement for Environmental Justice
By Antonio Cerrillo, translated by Nick Meynen. Published at The Ecologist on 22 Aug. With the 5th International Degrowth Conference taking place next week Spanish Ecologists Professor Joan Martinez Alier and Federico …

EJOLT conference on environmental justice: the report
After 4 years of work by around 100 people in over 30 countries, the EJOLT conference on environmental justice showed what the international project on Environmental Justice Organisations, Liabilities and …

Global Atlas of Environmental Justice re-launches website tracking ecological conflicts globally
PRESS RELEASE. Brussels, Tuesday 3 March. New platform integrates geo-spatial data to present conflicts in context and expands its coverage The EJOLT project launches today a new phase of the Global Atlas …

The difference that EJOLT has made
Dear EJOLT fan As we approach the end of the EJOLT project we like to introduce you to each other and look back to some of our highlights. There are 200.000 …

The concept of “ecological debt” and its value for environmental justice
EJOLT’s latest report is about the value of the ecological debt concept to struggles for environmental justice. “Ecological debt. History, meaning and relevance for environmental justice” can be downloaded here. …

EJOLT workshop on Ecologically Unequal Exchange and Ecological Debt
Invitation and call for papers from the Human Ecology Division, Lund University, Sweden for a workshop on 27-28 March 2014. The Human Ecology Division, Lund University, is pleased to invite EJOLT partners …

General News

Why the degrowth debate is growing
By Nick Meynen.Ten years ago only a few professors and some activists used the word “degrowth” as alternative to the neoliberal model of perpetual economic growth. Today, “degrowth economics” is …

Budapest degrowth conference and degrowth week
By Nick Meynen. The term Degrowth has emerged over the last 10 years. This “bomb word” has been used to inspire in-depth debates on whether infinite growth in a finite world is …

Laudato si and the Ecological Debt
By Joan Martinez Alier. The long awaited ecological encyclical, recently released by Pope Francis, gives a welcome boost to many issues that EJOLT has been working on. Yes, the Pope …

Food Banks: Canned Justice or Fuel For activism
By Aaron Vansintjan. Philippe* is the truck driver of a food bank in Montréal, Canada. Twice a week he drives to the headquarters of Moisson Montréal, the largest food bank …

Economic systems and environmental justice
By Martin Söderberg. Achieving Environmental Justice: a cross-national analysis (Policy Press, Bristol, 2014) is a new book by Karen Bell about the transition to a sustainable society. It contains case studies …

Designed to fail … and the solutions
By Nick Meynen. While violent conflicts over rare metals used in our phones and laptops continue and e-waste keeps piling up, engineers break their heads over new ways to ensure that …

The growing debate on degrowth
By Nick Meynen. Why are a record 3000 thinkers gathering from 2 to 6 September in the German city Leipzig to discuss how we can get our economy to degrow? One …

Building an economy on quicksand
By Jakob Villioth. Sand has by now become the most widely consumed natural resource on the planet after fresh water. [1] The annual world consumption of sand is estimated to be …

How Switzerland helps commodity companies dodge billions in taxes
By Jakob Villioth. Thanks to low taxes and weak government regulation, Switzerland has developed into a commodity hub where commodity trading and extractive companies earn billions. At least 20 percent of …

Book Review: Ecological Economics from the Ground Up
Helen Scharber, School of Critical Social Inquiry, Hampshire College, USA As its title intimates, Ecological Economics from the Ground Up starts with case studies of environmental justice activist struggles, mostly from …

Todd Stern, why don’t you acknowledge the ecological debt?
By Joan Martinez-Alier. In one of the last days of the COP21 in Paris in December 2015, where the pressure in the streets from the environmental justice movement was lacking, the …

Building an economy on quicksand
By Jakob Villioth. Sand has by now become the most widely consumed natural resource on the planet after fresh water. [1] The annual world consumption of sand is estimated to be …

Linking Degrowth to Environmental Justice
For “Scharf-links”, a German online newspaper, Dr. Joachim Spangenberg , co-chair of EJOLT’s steering committee, spoke about the activities of EJOLT and the link between Environmental Justice and Degrowth, looking …

The war against environmentalism
By Joan Martinez Alier. The Hindutva nationalist right-wing prime minister Modi in India is rallying against Environmental Justice Organisations (EJOs) financed by foreign money. High on his list are EJOs from …
Environmentalism is not just personal, it is political
By Nick Meynen. In the TV documentary series “Years of living dangerously”, Thomas Friedman goes to Syria to make the link between climate change and war. He also talks with Condoleezza …

Patrick Bond on Climate Justice and the Ecological Debt, after the Warsaw Fiasco
By Jaisal Noor from The real news. Interview (audio) with Patrick Bond, director of the Center for Civil Society and a professor at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. He’s …

The sinking shipping industry: dream or nightmare?
By Nick Meynen. Warren Buffet is bearish on the shipping industry. The Economist blames all sorts of green regulations for their troubled waters. But while the industry presents itself as green and …

The Colombian mining locomotive has halted
by Joan Martínez-Alier. President Santos of Colombia continues to preach the virtues of what he calls the “mining locomotive” of the economy, based mainly on coal, nickel and gold. But this …

Ecological debt and Ecological Unequal Exchange: report from an activist – academics debate
By Nick Meynen Some 40 to 50 scientists and activists specialised in ecological debt (ED) and ecological unequal exchange (EUE) gathered on 27 and 28 March in Lund, Sweden. The workshop …

Environmental justice in the EU and beyond
Save the date for an environmental justice conference & debate in Brussels where EJOLT will launch the Atlas of Environmental Justice, on 19 March. CLICK HERE to make your registration As global …

EJOLT workshop on Ecologically Unequal Exchange and Ecological Debt
The Human Ecology Division from Lund University, Sweden, invites you all to this 2-day workshop on March 27-28, 2014. If you want to participate – please let Alf Hornborg know: …