Leeuwpan Colliery is located on the Mpumalanga Highveld, less than five kilometres from the town of Delmas, South Africa, approximately 65 kilometres East of Johannesburg (Figure 1). The Highveld is rich in coal reserves and numerous coal mining companies are exploiting these reserves. All the major multinational coal mining houses operating in South Africa are represented in this region, but small mining companies and black empowerment groups also benefit from the opportunities in the Highveld.
The Delmas region used to be known as the food basket of Johannesburg. In the 1970s city dwellers from Johannesburg used to drive to the Delmas farmers’ markets on weekends to stock up with fresh produce. This region has some of South Africa’s most productive arable land, and is of strategic importance for South Africa’s national food and water security.
Click here for the factsheet (3 pages): FS_026_Exxaro Leeuwpan Mining Project