The Gleba Nova Olinda covers a total area of about 87,000 hectares (ha) and is located in the municipality of Santarém, Pará state, Brazil. It is composed of state public land with a rich and abundant sociobiodiversity. It is occupied by 14 communities (São Raimundo do Alto Aruã, São Francisco, Novo Paraíso, Cachoeira do Aruã, Gapó Açú, São Luís, Sociedade dos Parentes, Fé em Deus, Vista Alegre, Repartimento, Mariazinha), three of which are indigenous communities (São José III, Novo Lugar e Cachoeira do Maró) of the Borari ethnicity.
Located in the area of influence of the BR-163 road, the Gleba Nova Olinda is characterized by highly dynamic and violent processes due to the rapid formation of land and labor markets. Thus, violence is used as a mechanism of land appropriation, the absence of the state works as an ordering vector of the process, causing rapid spread of conflicts related to the use and control of natural resources and the intensification of migratory flows.
Alongside the rapid occupation of the rural areas, there is also the growing urbanization of the region. The growth of the cities of Santarém, Juriti and Itaituba, is related to where migratory fronts that flow attracted by new economic events (agribusiness, mining and services).
Click here for the factsheet (5 pages): FS_024_Gleba Nova Olinda