The CDCA-Documentation Centre on Environmental Conflicts in partnership with the association A Sud presents:
Friday 13th March 2015 | 5.30 pm
c/o Fandango Bookshop | Via dei Prefetti n.22 – ROME
Marica Di Pierri | CDCA’s President – Documentation Centre on Environmental Conflicts
Joan Martínez Alier | Ecological Economist | ICTA/UAB – Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona | Coordinator of the EJOLT project
Roberta Pirastu | Dep. Biology and Biotechnology C. Darwin – La Sapienza | Vice-president of the Italian Association of Epidemiology | Member of the Research Team of Sentieri Epidemiology Study – ISS
Mario Cervino | Physicists | National Research Council CNR-ISAC | Institute of the Atmospheric Sciences and Clime
Ferdinando Laghi | National Vice-president ISDE – Doctors for the Environment
Maurizio Torrealta | Journalist | Director of the School of Journalism “Lelio Basso”
Marianna Stori | CDCA Researcher | Coordinator of the Italian Atlas’ mapping team
The representatives of the local committees involved in the Atlas development will participate to the public event, among them:
Italian Forum of the Movement for the Water | National Coordination Triv No| Coordination of Sadi Committee | Committee Passeggino Rosso Brindisi | Expo No | Committee Spezia Via dal Carbone | No Tap Committee| Committee No Muos Niscemi and others
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A national map of the environmental (in) justice
The Documentation Centre of Environmental Conflicts, in Rome since 2007, is pleased to invite you to the presentation of the first Italian open georeferenced Web Platform built by a interdisciplinary team composed of researchers, journalists, activists and territorial committees. It gathers information on the major Environmental conflicts in Italy. From Vajont to Casal Monferrato, from Taranto to Brescia, from the “Terra dei Fuochi” to Susa Valley, from the oil exploitation area to the coal-fired power plants, from Industrial districts to agroindustry areas, from the mega-infrastructures to waste management. The Atlas of the Italian environmental emergencies also gathers the experiences of active citizenship in defence of local territories and right to health.
The Atlas GIS database and map, in expansion and gathering today about 100 conflicts, is of easy access and consultation thanks to a progressive filter and has be thought for the use of researchers, journalists, docents, students, citizens, local entities and public institutions who have interest and responsabilities in the protection of the environment and the public health.
Participative Mapping
Once online, the web platform will become a participative mapping tool: after registration as users, local committees, researchers and other civil society actors will be able to upload information on the platform, following few easy steps to fill in information on a given environmental conflict in a specific spread sheet, which, after previous validation by the CDCA’s research team, will become visible on the online Atlas.
In that sense, the Atlas will also become a tool for documentation, citizen’s participation and networking, as well as a platform enhancing visibility and disseminating claims regarding environmental risks’ factors in the all country.
The cases gathered in the Atlas have beeb elaborated by university researchers, journalists expert in environmental subject and activists in tight collaboration with local grassroots. In addition, they provide a wide bibliography useful for further into depth information regarding specific themes and aspects of each conflict.
The Global Atlas of Conflicts: EjAtlas
The Italian Atlas has been developed within the European research project “Ejolt”, funded by the European Commission (7th Framework Programme) that has seen the collaboration in the last 5 years of more than 20 partners worldwide (universities, independents study centres and environmental justice organisations) in environmental conflicts and justice issues. The project (www.ejolt.org) has elaborated many reports and other materials and tools in the field of environmental justice directed at various stakeholders including the European institutions, like the Global Environmental Justice Atlas – EJATLAS – developed by ICTA/UAB with the support of CDCA and other partners. The international Ejolt Atlas gathers today about 1,400 cases of environmental injustices over the globe and is available online at www.ejatlas.org.
The Italian Atlas has been developed as a national focus from the international atlas. Coordinated by the research team of CDCA, it has been edited in Italian to ease its access and use at national level.
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