Pope Francisco welcomed a group of Argentineans, including an EJOLT member, Antonio Gustavo Gomez, an Attorney General from Argentina, yesterday on November 11th, 2013, in the Vatican. The meeting lasted an hour, with the participation of the film director Pino Solanas, well known for his film “Dirty Gold”, about mega-mining. They spoke about water contamination and the Pope mentioned that he is preparing an encyclical about nature, humans and environmental pollution.
As an image is worth a thousand words, the Pope demonstrated his opposition to shale gas fracking and the contamination of water due to mega mine projects, posing for two photographs. One with a t-shirt that states that “Water is worth more than gold: El Agua Vale mas que el Oro”, and the other stating “No to Fracking”. The concern from His Holiness was clear when the following cases were mentioned to him by Fiscal Gomez, including Barrick Gold, Chevron in Argentina and Ecuador and Yasuni, among others.
Pingback: La foto di Papa Francesco contro il fracking - Giornalettismo
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Pingback: An Anti-Fracking Pope? » First Thoughts | A First Things Blog
Pingback: An Anti-Fracking Pope? - Hardcore Catholic
Pingback: Pope Francis tells anti-fracking activists he’s preparing remarks about environmental pollution | Women Born Transsexual
Pingback: Une encyclique sur l’écologie bientôt ? | Eglises & écologies (E&E)
Pingback: The Real Reason Pope Francis Posed With Anti-Fracking Activists | TIME.com
Then the Vatican should participate as the pope said, and support alternatives to fracking!
Replace 56,121 existing fossil fuel powered electrical facilities! 3,690 GW
http://www.linkedin.com/groupItem?view=&gid=3750402&type=member&item=5804615304101244928&commentID=5804631525840400384&qid=2f2b8e9b-603e-4873-935d-b21f6a78ddad&trk=groups_most_popular-0-b-cmn&goback=%2Enmp_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1%2Egmp_3750402#commentID_5804631525840400384 … … … … …
Pingback: Papa susţine lupta anti-fracking | TOTB.ro - Think Outside the Box
Pingback: What the Frack? Why is the Pope Talking About Environmental Issues?
Pingback: Ferenc pápa is ellenzi a mega-bányaprojekteket » Think Outside The Box
Hurrah for the Pope. Church organizations are beginning to realize that fracking is a disaster for the human race.
Great to have an informed and courageous Pope!
Pope Francis is a real Godman.
I’m with Pope Francis all the way on this.
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