The East Africa Natural History Society (EANHS) – Nature Kenya is Africa’s oldest scientific society, founded in 1909. The aims of the EANHS are to promote the study of natural history and the conservation of the natural environment in eastern Africa. Nature Kenya and Nature Uganda are the Kenyan and Ugandan branches of the EANHS and they work to fulfil these aims in their respective countries. Nature Kenya is the BirdLife International Partner in Kenya. Nature Kenya and the National Museums together produce the Journal of East African Natural History and maintain a joint library of books and journals on the natural sciences. The ‘headline’ mission of Nature Kenya in Kenya is: Connecting Nature and People to take action for biodiversity conservation. Enhancing knowledge of Kenya’s biodiversity; Advocating policies favourable to biodiversity conservation; Promoting conservation of key species, sites, and habitats; Encouraging community participation in conservation through promotion of sustainable benefits. Nature Kenya has a strong background in Conservation Biology. For EJOLT, they will look at land use and conflicts on biomass appropriation in the Tana Delta (Work Package 5), contributing to study of links between social metabolism (HANPP) and conflicts (WP 8 and 9) with EJOLT partner IFF Vienna and cooperating with EJOLT partner GRAIN on research on “land grabbing” (WP5).
Paul Matiku. Executive Director. Paul holds a M.Phil, Environmental Management and Planning, and is currently pursuing a Ph.D in the same discipline. He has 12 years experience in conservation research and action; his major responsibilities at Nature Kenya include programme development, proposal writing, project monitoring and evaluation among many others. His key achievements include positioning Nature Kenya nationally and globally.
Serah Munguti. Communication and Advocacy Manager. Serah has worked for Nature Kenya for 7 years in different capacities and holds a European Master in Water and Coastal Management. Her responsibilities are coordination of the formulation of conservation management plans, project management, coordination of advocacy campaigns for environment conservation, fundraising, and formulation of a national advocacy strategy for community-based groups.