Attached to the Brazilian Ministry of Health, FIOCRUZ is a science & technology health institution. The National School of Public Health is one of its units and is focused on training and researching in the field of public health. Its main objectives are to promote health and social development, to forge and disseminate scientific and technological knowledge in the field of Public Health. Inaugurated on May 25, 1900 Fiocruz was given the mission of fighting the great problems of public health in Brazil and Latin America. Today the institution is responsible for a range of activities which include research development in Public Health; highly-regarded hospital and ambulatory care services; production of vaccines, drugs, reagents, and diagnostic kits; education and training of human resources; information and communication in the area of health, science and technology; quality control of products and services, and the implementation of social programs. Fiocruz has over 7,500 employees and health professionals. With their expertise on environmental health, environmental justice, and “post-normal science” the members of this team will lead the work package on Environmental Health (WP7), and contribute their unparalleled knowledge of environmental justice movements in Brazil to the work package ‘data base of environmental justice conflicts’ (WP2).
Marcelo Firpo Porto. Graduated in Production Engineering (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, 1984) and Psychology (State University if Rio de Janeiro,1991), master’s degree and doctorate in Production Engineering at COPPE/UFRJ and postdoctorate in Social Medicine at the University of Frankfurt (2001-2003). Senior researcher of the Study Center of Workers’ Health and Human Ecology of the National School of Public Health, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) (since 1987). Academic experience with environmental health, environmental justice; political ecology and integrated risk analysis.
Wagner Soares. Economist, with master’s degree in Economy at Cedeplar / Federal University of Minas Gerais. Doctor in Public Health and Environment at the National School of Public Health / Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (ENSP/FIOCRUZ), with in University of Economy of the University of Coimbra. Socioeconomic analyst of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). Professional experience in the field of ecological economics, agriculture, natural resources and environmental health.
Renan Finamore. Graduated in civil engineer at UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, 2005), M.Sc. in Environmental Planning at COPPE/UFRJ (2007) and, at present, doctorate student in Public Health at FIOCRUZ (Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Brazil). His research focuses on the environmental and health impacts of uranium mining in Brazil.