CRIIRAD (Commission de Recherche et d’Information Indépendantes sur la RADioactivité [Commission for independent research and information on radioactivity) is a non-governmental and non-profit organisation that operates according to the 1901 French law and works to improve information and protection of the public against ionizing radiation. CRIIRAD objectives are to give people an access to scientific information about the impact of ionizing radiations and the actual radiological contamination of their environment, to improve people’s ability to participate (as citizens) to the actions and decisions in the field of environmental protection, protection of public health, the rights of future generations, to give people scientific tools in order to help them to make independent preliminary assessments of a radiological contamination (CRIIRAD is organising seminars “how to use your own Geiger Muller counter), to circulate information on radioprotection through a web site (www.criirad.org, leaflets and brochures, books, lectures, seminars, videos, etc.(see a selection of written material). Created in 1986 by French citizens willing to obtain reliable data on the actual intensity of radioactive fallout from Chernobyl, the consecutive food chain contamination and the related risk for their health, CRIIRAD set up in Valence (France) an independent laboratory specialised in radiological analysis and radio-ecological studies. CRIIRAD will work in WP3, this includes training on monitoring of radiations in uranium mining and other phases of the nuclear cycle, and possibly help in evidence-based claims for redress. It will also contribute to training in issues of environmental health (WP7), and on trade and consumption (regarding uranium exports from Africa).
Bruno Chayeron. Engineer in nuclear physics. DEA in Nuclear Engineering and Particle Physics. Director of the CRIIRAD laboratory at Valence (France) since 1993. He has expertise in the nuclear sector for 17 years especially in the area of radiation detection and environmental impact assessment. He conducted studies dealing with the radiological impact of nuclear full cycle facilities (uranium mines, nuclear plants, reprocessing plants, research reactors), military facilities, hospitals, etc. He has been conducting independent review of radioactive discharge monitoring and environmental monitoring of Fessenheim and Le Blayais French nuclear power plants.