The CDCA was created by A Sud, an Italian NGO from Rome, with much experience in researching environmental conflicts and running projects in Colombia, Bolivia, Italy and other countries. The CDCA (www.cdca.it), the centre for documentation of environmental conflicts, open to researchers, is a partner in EJOLT. Since 2007, CDCA maps, researches and monitors on a daily basis environmental conflicts in the world through direct collection of information from local civil society organisations involved in the conflicts. For the CEECEC project CDCA/A Sud produced two studies with inputs from local NGOs and from scientists, one on the TAV conflict (Val di Susa, near Torino) and one on the waste crisis in Campania. CDCA documents, informs, and provides support to communities involved in environmental conflicts, through tools like international cooperation, lobbying, campaigning, publications, awareness raising activities and trainings. The CDCA offers expertise in themes like: participative democracy, north-south relationships, environmental debt, environmental crimes and justice, health and environment. CDCA leads Work Package 9, on Law and Institutions, and participate in many other workpackages.
Lucie Greyl. Graduated in Anthropology and post graduated in Political sciences. Lucie is the CDCA coordinator. She works since 2008 as CDCA volunteer researcher and since 2009 she is in charge of the CDCA database development and of the training provided to students and volunteers. She also provide training on environmental conflicts and ecological economics. Lucie has relevant experience in international cooperation project in Latin America and European research project.
Gustavo Antonio Gomez, is Prosecutor of the state of Tucuman, Santiago del Estero and Catamarca, in Argentina.
He post graduated at the University of Salamanca (Spain). With an experience of over 20 years in the sector, he is specialised in corruption and environmental Crimes’ investigation and prosecution. He is also a professor and researcher of the National University of Patagonia, Argentina. He run numerous national and international conferences, wrote numerous articles for national and international specialised magazines and collaborates also in TV and other audiovisual programmes.
In Italy, he is collaborating FOR years with the association A Sud and with the Documentation Centre on Environmental Conflicts, in particular on environmental justice and on the campaign for the creation of a European and an international tribunal on environmental crime.
Wendy Kassar. Wendy is an Argentinian lawyer, specialised in environmental and penal law. She collaborates with the CDCA on the issue of environmental justice in Europe and Latin America together with the procurator gomez for the last couple of years. She participated in numerous publication and as a lecturer and assistant in conferences and courses in Argentina on legal socio-environmental issues, especially on environmental justice and crimes. She also a professor and a researcher at the National University of Universidad Nacional de Tucumán.
Marica Di Pierri. Graduated in law, Marica is the CDCA Director since its foundation. She is well experienced in cooperation with Latin America CSOs. She is the communication officer of the association A Sud since 2007 and manage both A Sud and CDCA networks. Marica is a freelance journalist publishing in numbers of Italian national newspapers and international online magazines and has relevant experience in radio and television programmes on environmental issues. Marica is also a trainer on environmental conflict and sustainability issues.
Laura Greco. Graduated in anthropology, with a thesis on impact of ENI’s extractive activity in Ecuador Amazonia forests, Laura is a funding member of the CDCA where she works as a researcher. In the last 10 years, Laura developed a great experience in international cooperation with Latin America and especially indigenous communities. Laura has an important background in television and documentaries production on environmental issues (Greensaver, Current TV; Ecubo, RAI). She is also involved the training activities of the CDCA and works as a trainer both in schools and public administration. Laura is also a co-founder and the president of the association A Sud.